It's been over a month since our last post so we thought we'd play catch up and post a few pics and videos of what Abby's been up to. Aside from a few short trips to parks we've mostly stayed at home, working in the yard and enjoying some of the mild weather. This has given Abby the time to do a little reading and learn some colors, numbers and letters.... and of course she's been goofing around. She enjoys dressing up and practicing walking in huge shoes.

She's mastered watching TV upside down.

and suctioning cups to her chin

and using anything as a hat (no we didn't let her put a plastic bag over her head)

and lazy Sunday's are always nice.

She's also opened up Club Abby where girls and monsters can dance and have fun
She's finally found a love for spaghetti and meatballs

and this is her current version of a smile